Thursday, May 27, 2010

Right Now!!!! (AKA this is what drunk Jesse typed, sorry)

Yeah I saw that shit.

There is such a thing as too much honesty.  I hope I will cross that line on a regular basis.  As humans we are way to kind to each other when it comes to language.  We pretend to be so fragile and yet we continue to exist despite all our offenses.  So fuck all you and your sensitivities and pretenses.  You are massively pathetic and you should be ashamed of yourself.  There is no reason to be so sensitive about words other than to pursue litigious intent.  All they are is a way for us to communicate an idea.  If the intent is the same what is the purpose in using euphemisms that at their very core mean exactly the same thing.  "Suck it you assholes!"  There is nothing implicitly hateful about words other than the intent of the user.  In case you were wondering the double standard is alive and well just not in the way we thought it would be.  It is okay to be sexist and offensive as long as you are a "minority" in some way.  If you are a straight white male you should be fucking careful (and ashamed).  The world is out to get you.  There is no slack for you and your kind.  Don't get me wrong we deserve everything we get at this point.  As a child I was more than happy to declare my (half) white heritage, and as an adult I will be milking my mexican half for all it is worth.  Please save me from the race war that is all but upon us.  Thanks ;)

In the last few hours I have listened to:

What have you done?

You're Welcome,


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