Thursday, May 27, 2010

Right Now!!!! (AKA this is what drunk Jesse typed, sorry)

Yeah I saw that shit.

There is such a thing as too much honesty.  I hope I will cross that line on a regular basis.  As humans we are way to kind to each other when it comes to language.  We pretend to be so fragile and yet we continue to exist despite all our offenses.  So fuck all you and your sensitivities and pretenses.  You are massively pathetic and you should be ashamed of yourself.  There is no reason to be so sensitive about words other than to pursue litigious intent.  All they are is a way for us to communicate an idea.  If the intent is the same what is the purpose in using euphemisms that at their very core mean exactly the same thing.  "Suck it you assholes!"  There is nothing implicitly hateful about words other than the intent of the user.  In case you were wondering the double standard is alive and well just not in the way we thought it would be.  It is okay to be sexist and offensive as long as you are a "minority" in some way.  If you are a straight white male you should be fucking careful (and ashamed).  The world is out to get you.  There is no slack for you and your kind.  Don't get me wrong we deserve everything we get at this point.  As a child I was more than happy to declare my (half) white heritage, and as an adult I will be milking my mexican half for all it is worth.  Please save me from the race war that is all but upon us.  Thanks ;)

In the last few hours I have listened to:

What have you done?

You're Welcome,


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I don't even own a wii e.p.


Hard luck is still luck.  And bad love is still love.  How do we make all this make sence when all I want to do is make my friends into best friends.  The hope of finding true happiness is a cruel joke.  My good friend told me that I was a tragic romantic once and I believed her.  Of course it didn't help that I was in love with her.  She was the first of a few women to want/not want to be with me.  She wanted to be around me just not all the time.  Until I was with someone else and then boom.  She couldn't be around me enough.  What was I doing wrong?  Nothing, everything, something.  Who know or cares.  What I do know is there is hope for us all.  We should never give up because we will never again be as young as we are right now.  Take up hang gliding, or learn the trombone, and start a cult.  The gift of now is all we can count on.  And sometimes we just have to trust and roll a hard six.

It has been a few days so this is more just what I remember listening to since last time:

You're Welcome,

Friday, May 21, 2010

What is that?

There was this ball of light and heat beating down on me yesterday. It was a not altogether unpleasant. I have lived here most my life so I know better than to get used to it but a guy can hope can't he.

And as we all know hope springs eternal, and despair flops down on the sofa and watches multiple episodes of "24".  Does anybody know how I got here?  And where the fuck am I going?  I am purely speculating at this point but all signs are pointing to one of two choices. Down one road there is almost certainly a future I will like.  Who knows maybe my over-arc of luck will hold.  Spend your whole life doing what makes you happy and what do you get?  Happy?  I'll let you know when I get there.

In case you care, here are the albums I have listened to since last time:

You're Welcome,


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Justice is best served hot

I just had drinks with Emily at that one tiki barin Oakland/Piedmont. I have to admit I have never been there before and it was pretty alright. I had the aforementioned dark and stormy and two vodka and sodas.

We sat here:

The drinks were strong and the music was all over the place. Like a cheap suit it was ill fitting at times and yet somewhat comfortable and tacky.

We heard

and the postal service in the same mix. (I would add a picture but that guy is uglier than sin.)

Then had fries and a dance party in the car.

Suck it nerds!!!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"Women and Taxicabs"

This dark and stormy is causing a rumble down under. Is that a good thing?

The Great Depression

Lost Planet 2

This bad boy is still in the wrapper. You ever do that? Go buy something and get it home and never even bother to open it. What is that? I hope it is good once I get a free moment to crack it open. Although if you believe the reviewers I will be taking one for the team on this one. Again this is assuming I ever stop playing "Red Dead Redemption". Which is not looking very likely because I spent three hours playing Texas Hold 'em Poker. Yeah I played the shit out of a game in a game (mini game for all you gamer nerds) because that is how I roll.

Who knows maybe later tonight I will drunk blog. We can only hope.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Lot Like Life.

I'm taking a ride as my best friend. Clint Eastwood (I wish)

So now that open world gaming has been redefined what is there left to do? Maybe get a job or sail around the world? Not fucking likely! I am too busy making mediocrity look easy. Ever wonder why so many people like to play video games? Because they are a known quantity. Do exactly this and you will win. Unlike navigating the social minefields at work and in love. One thing where you know you are in charge and who you are.

The nerds are taking over. And it is about damn time.

The winner of yesterdays purchases is........."The XX - XX". Even though they are cool right now and their name reminds me of my bank account number. It was so upbeat without being too happy. FUCK JOY!! Once again the country that helped spawn America has produced something worthwhile. Thank you Charlotte, Steve, and five kids from San Diego for your entries. It was a close one.

Now go listen to:

Because you're old and like old things.

You're Welcome,


Monday, May 17, 2010

She's Sliding

Walking fast is for losers. Let's Fly!! I have to say I waited a while before I picked this one up. I just couldn't see playing this game without a joystick until a few days ago. It is pretty solid so far. It feels a little like I am shooting red squares instead of vehicles but that has some charm. I am glad I only payed 25 bucks though. If I was all about flying games on console I might drop 100 plus on the flight stick but as of now I feel pretty meh about it.

Albums I got today:

Yes I got them on Long Play format. Because I am an asshole.

You're Welcome,


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Oh My

So incase you were wondering what I have been doing with my free time since monday at midnight here is your answer. Playing a game that was designed around a sport that I always sucked at. It would make less actual sense to play a game of a sport that was really good at. Like soccer for example, or a game about playing video games.

I have been playing video games since I was eleven and by no means do I intend on quitting now. Think of it what you will but video games are just a part of my life. I intend to cover all aspects of my human experience but you have to start somewhere.

I also want to ask what is up with game soundtracks?Modern ones have never done it for me. They don't have enough room to put all the songs that all the people will like so what is the point. Do they really think that the person that likes Radiohead and Joy Division is going to be down with Panic at the Disco or reggae? Keep it simple people because we will be muting it once we get frustrated and have to hear the same song over and over. I have by no means the best taste in music, I just like what I like. Don't you?

Albums on heavy rotation:

You're Welcome,


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